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when a PDF file is created

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Good morning,

I’m not very experienced with Power Automate, so I apologize in advance for any mistakes, inaccuracies, or misunderstandings.

I work for a fairly large company, and I’ve created an online Excel file that generates a PDF (imagine it contains three pieces of data: "name," "surname," and "address". To say the truth they are 12, but like this is simpler). Once this PDF is created, it needs to be signed and then uploaded to SharePoint. I need a flow that, upon uploading this PDF, can read these three pieces of data and update another Excel sheet.

Until recently, I was able to do everything using text recognition from PDFs, but since the flow is used by many people, I’ve hit the credit limit for AI Builder.

I’m wondering if there’s another way to feed the flow and update the Excel file. Thank you to anyone who can help!

  • Suggested answer
    David_MA Profile Picture
    David_MA 9,039 on at
    when a PDF file is created
    Here is a suggestion:
    • In your Excel file, add a column for file ID.
    • Then set a unique value for the file ID (maybe the current date/time stamp 202412191405 and the first three letters of the surname ABC or 202412191405ABC.pdf).
    • Use this value to name the pdf and send it for signatures.
    • When you send it, tell the person not to change the filename.
    • When the file is uploaded to SharePoint, your flow can then get the row from your spreadsheet and use a query filter on the unique file ID. You can then use the data from the original spreadsheet to update your other spreadsheet.
    Since you asked this back in November, it doesn't seem like anyone has other ideas for you. Good luck!

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