I've recently started to experience issues with prompting in the 'conversation booster'/AI feature. See image.
When I leave it blanc, it works. But when I add something in the prompt, it gives me the error message.
Error Message: The length of the prompt instructions exceeds the threshold Error Code: OpenAIAdditionalInstructionsLengthExceededLimit Conversation Id: 11eadb41-5105-4428-8d2d-0f9e617ad593 Time (UTC): 2024-06-22T21:24:36.059Z
I've had previous longer prompts, and now this occurs every time I have something in the prompt. Which is strange, because I am far away from the limit.
Is it because I add variables? They are not long either Example industry could be 'healthcare'(in this example).
The length of the prompt instructions exceeds the threshold
I do not know if you are still having issues, what resolved the problem for me, was reducing the number of instructions on the overview. Hopefully that helps.
The length of the prompt instructions exceeds the threshold
I found out that this was due to the system prompt, which was really long. This + the prompt for the data, equals overload.
I reduced the system prompt, and it worked!
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