I am setting up a flow that serves as a guided conversation so that employees of a department can ask the chatbot for information about other employees (position, manager, projects and "superpowers"). First you select the team, then the name of the employee and finally what you want to know. Once the answers are obtained, the user may want to know more about that same employee or other information about another employee on another team. The problem I have is that when the user wants to know information about an employee from another team, the chatbot asks for the team to which the employee belongs but does not show the list of employees of the selected team and uses the previously selected name as "input" ; to elaborate the answer. I attach screenshots so that it is better understood. The source of information is SharePoint by the way.
I dont´t know if there is an error in the construction of the flow or what could be wrong.
Thank you very much for your quick response. Indeed, by activating the "Ask every time" option, the "list" of employees is displayed when the loop is repeated.
Thanks again for the solution
Hi @FGuerrero1 ,
Find the question node, click on the ellipses >> go to Properties >> Click on the Question behavior >> Select the option to Ask every time >> Done 🙂
Let me know if you have any other questions.