Building a canvas app, with Dynamics 365 (Dataverse) as my source. In my gallery on the main page, I added a search requirement :
'Start Date' < Today()
'Start Date' < Today()
Both of those seem to work fine; I get the results I expected. The first one gives past Start Date entries and the second one gives future Start Date entries.
But what I really want is to do a search where the Start Date field is specifically greater than 30 days ago, so I entered
'Start Date' > Today() - 30
This should give me results where Start Date is later than 30 days ago, on up to the present and future dates as well. This does not work at all.
If this helps, both the ">" and the "-" symbols have a red squiggly line under them indicating there is something wrong; the squiggle is not under the "<" or ">" in those original statements above. The squiggle only appears when I use the "-30" part of the expression.
Even more oddly, when I add an upper limit:
'Start Date' < Today() + 30
the squiggles do NOT appear in the second phrase, no matter which order I put them in. So whether I enter one or the other below...
'Start Date' < Today() + 30, 'Start Date' > Today() - 30
'Start Date' > Today() - 30, 'Start Date' < Today() + 30 both those lines, the first expression has the squiggles and the second expression does not.
And in both cases, I get no results at all.
If it helps to see the entire line, here it is, placed into the "Items" field for the gallery:
Filter('House Events', SearchInputBox.Text in 'Event Description', 'Start Date' > Today()-30, 'Start Date' < Today() + 30)
I would really appreciate any suggestion you may have.
As with many things regarding computers, the answer is easy, but not remotely intuitive.