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Named Formula variable not updating

Posted on by 16

I'm not sure if I'm just misunderstanding how Named Formulas work, but I was under the impression that you can declare a named formula in the App.Formulas section (for example: 


varUser=First(Filter('My Accounts',Email=User().Email));


) and any updates to that record in the background will filter through to the app when varUser is referenced?


If that's the case then Named Formulas doesn't work. When I try to update the same record that varUser references it updates in the Dataverse table but the varUser Named Formula column value that I'm trying to reference doesn't update.


I've tried it on a button, timer, tried turning off Explicit Column Selection and tried loading an private tab as someone else has suggested but the behaviour is always the same. I would love to be able to start using this function but it still feels there are many problems with this feature, which is concerning given that it has now been moved into Preview. Its either that or I am completely misunderstanding how Named Formulas should work/be used.


If anyone can provide some insight or guidance on this issue/feature I would be very grateful.

  • Samand Profile Picture
    Samand 9 on at
    Named Formula variable not updating
    I’m having a similar problem, where I’m trying to use a named formula to set the Visible property on one of my containers:
    nf_verHistory=If(bl_verHistory, true, If(First(Filter(USER_LIST, EMAIL=User().Email)).DT<Date(2024,3,4), true, false));
    It works when the app is initiated, but any changes to the DT column (which is in a SharePoint list) don’t provide a different outcome and therefore doesn’t switch the container on & off. Changing screens doesn’t trigger a recalculation, only a full refresh of the App works. It looks like the formulas don’t get recalculated, even when bl_verHistory changes values and Named Formulas aren’t always updated with the latest data from it’s source.
    * bl_verHistory is a Boolean set manually. I also tried a version of the above using Or instead of 2 ifs with the same outcome.

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