This seems like it should be a no brainer, but I'm new to Canvas App development and can't find the answer online.
We have a 6 person dev team who work cases in D365 Customer Service and I am creating a canvas app for our end users (60+ people) to submit cases to that dev team. I know how to show a list of cases assigned to my devs (who are licensed as D365 admins), but I can't figure out how to just show cases that were created by my end users.
I have my app's onStart property setting a variable as the current user
Set(varUserEmail, User().Email)
and my main screen's gallery I have filtered as this but nothing shows up in the gallery
Filter (Cases, Contact.Email=varUserEmail)
I've also tried this but get the same result with no cases listing in the gallery:
App onStart
Set(varUser, User().FullName)
Gallery filter
Filter (Cases, 'Created By'.'Full Name' = varUser)
Any help would be greatly appreciated and if there's more info I can provide, please ask. TIA
Interestingly, I retyped my last gallery filter to the below and now it works.
Filter(Cases,'Created By'.'Full Name'=varUser)