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Enhancing Security for Power Apps Canvas Apps:

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Currently, I am developing an app using Power Apps Canvas Apps.

  1. According to the Power Platform security settings, session expiration and inactivity timeout are not supported in Canvas Apps. Is there any alternative way to apply these settings?

  2. For IP address-based cookie binding and IP address-based firewall settings, will they work seamlessly in Power Apps Canvas Apps if I use Dataverse as the data source?

  3. Additionally, are there any other security policies that can be applied to enhance the security of Power Apps Canvas Apps? If so, please provide a detailed explanation.

Thank you as always, and I appreciate your time and effort in addressing this.


현재 파워앱스 캔버스앱으로 앱을 개발하고 있습니다.

1. 파워플랫폼 보안설정에 따르면 세션만료, 비활성 시간제한은 캔버스앱에서 사용불가하다고 나와있는데 따로 적용시킬방법은 없을까요?

2. IP주소 기반 쿠키 바인딩과 IP주소 기반 방화벽 설정 기능은 PowerAPPS 캔버스앱에 Dataverse만 적용시키면 문제 없이 작동할까요?

3. 추가적으로 PowerAPPS 캔버스앱에 추가적으로 적용 시킬 수 있는 보안정책이 있다면 설명 부탁드립니다.


항상 감사드리고 바쁘실텐데 부탁드립니다.

  • Verified answer
    FLMike Profile Picture
    FLMike 31,580 on at
    Enhancing Security for Power Apps Canvas Apps:
    This is a very open-ended question with a lot of time to properly answer and many things we cannot because we do not know what your IT department does. to get a truly all around answer you need to hire a security expert (like myself (but I am not asking you too, just saying)) for the platform all up, not saying "Canvas Apps" as the app type is irrelevant in most cases.
    Plus, what does lock it down, make it more secure even more. What type of data is it, what type of data are you going to display, do you need column level security versus row level versus table level etc etc.
    That all said, I would start here.
    Also if you do searches youll get tons of details and thats better than just asking here for people to list stuff you can look up

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