Hello everyone,
I have a general question to which I could not find the answer.
Is there a way to fit the (custom) loading spinner duration to the visual updates in an app?
I have loading spinners in several apps and often times they end before the actual update of the control (usually a gallery or form) shows for the user. consequently, the user sees the old/incorrect values for a split second.
I know there is the option to tie the visibility to a timer but I am rather looking for a dynamic approach. Setting the LoadingSpinner property of the screen to Data does not achieve this either (and does not align with the custom spinner I usually use anyway).
Any ideas, solutions or confirmation of no existing solution are appreciated.
I don't remember if I have tested it in the past but I will try out refreshing the data before resetting the visibility variable (and keep you updated).
Though my impression until now has always been that PowerApps refreshes the data (which is still covered by the loading spinner) and then refreshes the visuals according to the data (which is not covered anymore). At least that is how I would naively explain why the LoadingSpinner.Data property of the screen has the same issue.
Its because the submission of the data is one action and the slight refresh of the saved data is a second. You may have to an explicit refresh after the SubmitForm and before you change the spinner value. It will re-pull the data, so as long as the connection is swift it may be no problem.
Thank you for your suggestion!
As mentioned in my initial post, I am aware of the possibility extend the spinner with a timer. However I am not really fond of that solution because I would like to minimize the loading time, there is always some guesswork involved (i.e., what is the worst case refresh time), and it can still fail to meet the goal (in some apps the refresh times vary quite a bit).
Maybe I am a bit too perfectionist here but when I introduce an app at work I would like it to look clean and user-friendly.
So I have this too, but it doesn't bother me! I presume your spinner is determined by a variable being set true or false.
You may want to look at timer control and set to a second (maybe 2)!
In your OnSubmit put the control after the formsubmit (or patch) that basically puts a 1second sleep before turning off your spinner. That hopefully will allow for the data to refresh before the user sees it.