I am trying to import topics with topic suggestion. I am using an excel file that I uploaded to github pages. I have a https url to the file ending in .xlsx
Every time I try topic suggestion with this url I get the error "Getting suggestions took too long. Try links with less content."
But for testing purposes I am using an excel file with just 6 cells: 3 questions and 3 answsers in total.
I have also tried it with a pdf and a pdf url ending with .pdf but I am also getting the same error: "Getting suggestions took too long. Try links with less content."
Does anyone know what the problem could be?
Im on the same boat... I was able to get some suggestions once but they were just gibberish. Other than that its always the same error about taking too long.
Hello peterswimm. Any updates? I'm getting the same errors still, no matter how brief the content is I'm trying to add. Thx
This is caused by a bug, we should have a fix on the site in the next week or so, depending on where you are hosting your content globally.
I'm getting the same error no matter the page I try. I've tested several pages that have less than 3 paragraphs of content, so I'm not sure why I'm getting this error.
I am having the same problem, but with a web page. I tried several pages, all with the same result.
This particular page was successfully used by another user in a community thread from 2021.
Could you open a support ticket, or link to the file you are trying to use?
If its broken, i'd love to learn more about the cause!
This https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-virtual-agents/advanced-create-topics-from-web#supported-file-types says it only needs to be two column question answer style. I think this thing is broken and MS doesn't want to acknowledge it. I have tried several ways and I always receive an error.
Are you using the correct excel file format? https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cognitive-services/language-service/question-answering/reference/document-format-guidelines