hi all
i am setting up a flow for a bunch of trucks & cars that need to be serviced
i have the flow set up with a 7 day & 14 day reminder
this sends me an email reminder
my problem is the email arrives with the below as the date
the date is correct 20/11/2023, this is one of the 7 day reminders
i want the date to have the below format
what do i need to do
thanks for the help, ive only been doing this 3 days
Please post a screenshot where you applied the expression. I did test the expression in my test flow.
Thanks for trying but that didn't fix the problem
the auto email sent to me still has the long winded date
IT IS DUE BEFORE 2023-11-20T00:00:00.000Z
Try the expression
formatDateTime(utcNow(), 'dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy')
replace utcNow(), with your reminder date.
If I have answered your question, please mark your post as Solved.
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Rick Hurt