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Can not achieve create or update on Planner Tasks via Microsoft Graph

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I planned to creating an application using Microsoft Graph. I choose to Planner Task as playground. I can get the task items or buckets but I could not achieve create a new planner task or updating the existing one.

(First of all, I tried directly execute on Microsoft Graph Explorer)




Even though consent all permissions but still getting this error message:


"message":"The If-Match header must be specified for this kind of request."



 "error": {
 "code": "",
 "message": "The If-Match header must be specified for this kind of request.",
 "innerError": {
 "date": "2023-07-13T10:09:26",
 "request-id": "dca7a67f-e804-4c3a-98df-56dfbad86537",
 "client-request-id": "66f3a446-7391-eb6a-6f87-3301acc4c915"



I tried to register an application on Azure Portal, and providing the secret key or such as things but I am not sure whether it should be do on that way. Is there a convenient way to do this?


Thanks in advance.

  • Verified answer
    ltfDre Profile Picture
    ltfDre 66 on at
    Re: Can not achieve create or update on Planner Tasks via Microsoft Graph

    This issue has been resolved. It caused by lack of providing correct access token to the API. 

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