I'm using SharePoint lists. I've got a list of tickets, cleverly named TicketList that includes columns that represent their:
The TaskStatus column is the look-up that references another List named StatusList. StatusList includes the following columns:
My screen has a dropdown with the options of Open or Closed.
I want to filter items from TicketList based on who is logged in against the AssignedTO value AND the Open (Y/N) value from TaskStatus.
The following filter works against the AssignedTo column (If(OpenCloseDropdown.SelectedText.Value="Open",Filter(TicketList,User().FullName=AssignedTO.Value))),
but I can't figure out how to link back to the TaskStatus Open column for the remainder of the filter.
The dropdown is named OpenCloseDropdown.
The following filter also works but does not accomplish everything I want:
If(OpenCloseDropdown.SelectedText.Value="Open",Filter(TicketList,User().FullName=AssignedTO.Value And TaskStatus.Value = "Assigned"))
Thank you in advance for any suggestions.
Fantastic and Thank You! I'm brand new to PowerApps, and this is the type of functionality I knew was there but couldn't figure out on my own.
You can accomplish this by using a combination of Filter and LookUp.
Here's a formula that should work for your scenario:
OpenCloseDropdown.SelectedText.Value = "Open",
User().FullName = AssignedTO.Value,
LookUp(StatusList, Title = TaskStatus.Value).Open = "Yes"
This formula performs the following:
Checks if the dropdown selection is "Open."
Filters the TicketList based on the logged-in user's AssignedTO value.
Uses LookUp to find the corresponding TaskStatus from the StatusList, and checks if the Open column value is "Yes."
Make sure to adjust the formula if the Open column in the StatusList is a boolean rather than text. If it's a boolean, you should use
LookUp(StatusList, Title = TaskStatus.Value).Open = true
See if it helps @OldDogNewTricks