Maybe someone can tell me what am I doing wrong here? I am trying to patch a form into table in dataverse but it shows me an error from my title.
'Part' is a text lookup but in my form it is: Distinct('CORR infos', Part).Result It is looking at other table and returning distinct part numbers in dropdown box.
If I use SubmitFrom() then I have the following error when I choose one of the options in my dropdown box:
If you are using a form, why are you using patch instead of just SubmitForm()? If you delete the title field and add it back, what does the update property of the card show?
The Distinct function will give you a table with unique values, in this case part.
According to your error description, the part column is expecting a Record value due to the Look Up type.
However you are currently referring to the distinct result of type String.
I don't know your database structure but this could be fixed by referencing the respective record via a LookUp:
LookUp(PartsTable, Part = YourDataCard.Selected.Result)
With this function we do expect that 'Part' is unique to each record in the look up table.
I hope this helps.