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Copilot Studio - Topic Creation & Management

Topic input variables not working in "Ask the user before running this action" messages

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I am using generative (preview) mode.
If I create an Action with input variables and turn on "Ask the user before running this action", then I can perfectly use the filled in Action input variables in the "Ask the user before running this action" message to get a yes or no from the user to run or not run the Action with the filled in Action input variables.
But if I do exactly the same for Topics instead of Actions, then the filled in Topic input variables are just empty when I reference them in the "Ask the user before running this action" message prompted to the user.
I took a closer look and I see that when using Action then Copilot Studio enables me to reference Action input variables in the "Ask the user before running this action" message as "Input.text", "Input. text1", etc.
But if I do the same for Topics then I cannot choose "Input.text" but instead only "Topic.myvariablename" and they seem to be empty at runtime. Please see screenshots below to see the difference between selecting variables in Actions and Topics. 
Is this a bug? I would expect for both Actions and Topics to be able to reference input variables as "Input.text". Why should there be a difference. I think this difference is what breaks the whole thing for Topics.
Do you agree or am I not understanding this correctly?

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