Hi Folks,
I'm stuck with this problem for quite sometime. 😞 Basically I have an Edit form that enable the user to update a data. These data includes a Person Or Group column. I don't have problem inserting new data, but updating it produce an error "network error when using patch function"
Hello @philifova
Got it.
What did you change when you said you are making an Update?
In your update code, I want to understand what happens to this field(DataCard103) if DataCard104/115 is not blank because even if you add the false condition, the form will still try to retrieve data from the preset ThisItem.aBCM.
(DataCard104 is Blank) OR (Datacard115 is Blank), // <<--- Your Condition
(DataCard103 Values) // <---- Use DataCard103 values
[_____________ ] //Missing value, what happens to this field
//if DataCard104/Datacard115 is not blank?
Sorry for the many questions. I have thought of various codes to fix it but my codes might be farfetched to what you really need.
@cha_cha Yes, sure. Those 3 Datacards are Person/Group column in my SharePoint List.
The user only need to fill out 2 Datacards. So the last datacard will be visible false if the other two is being fill out.
Hello @philifova ,
I think your Update Code is lacking. Do you mind sharing what your form looks like and identify on that the data cards for the following control:
DataCardValue104, DataCardValue115 and DataCardValue103.