Why is this so difficult? How do I add my PVA to a sharepoint site as either a floating entity OR on a simple web page? The thing is, if i turn off authentication of "Only for teams and power apps" I lose the built in system vars like user.displayname. if i turn it to no authentication, i get the demo website but lose the options. When I look for step by step directions it is basically gibberish on the net.
I am simply wanting to put my bot on a sharepoint page. Thanks
This is a much-requested feature by most companies that have SharePoint intranet, it would really make Copilot more usable.
It should be as easy at it is adding a bot to Teams.
Absolutely LOVE this post and the pointed out frustration! Thank you for posting, as I have the same desire. Simply, a chat bot that can take end-user questions and point them to a website/link/resource on the SP site I manage. Even better would be an AI trained model from the info contained on the SP site, but perhaps that is what a chat bot assistant technically is.
I love tech, but am by no means a coder, builder, or have any experience in UX, IX or any other ?X and struggle with issues like this that lack layman explanation or simple how-to instructions. Even MSFT "Low Code" is kind of bad marketing given one still has to know about data structure/format when building in PowerAutomate (ie: error: string cannot be presented as data remains in an "array").. Let me know if you find an easy to to do this!
Hey @jimw, getting the copilot to render like a "traditional chatbot" shouldn't be an issue. Here is a simple static HTML pages that does the same. You should be able to use a similar pattern in the SPFx component. Since the chat dialog is simply hidden, and not dismounted, the chat will not reload each time the widget is re-opened.
As for keeping the chat persistent between pages - not sure, I would need to think about that.
Hi @adilei
Thanks for that, we've followed the guide and SSO is working. However the example has a few drawbacks, such as loosing the chat history if you click away, and the user not being able to interact with the page. Are there any adjustments that can be made to make it float or be tied to a corner like a traditional chatbot, or persist between sessions/pages? We've tried searching for examples but only seem to be able to find PVA/Copilot Studio SSO examples that function in the same way with a chat button and the chat windows taking focus from the page.
Do you have any pointers on how this could be achieved?
Hi @Sobiepan ,
Publishing a copilot/bot to SharePoint, with SSO enabled, requires building a SharePoint framework component (SPFx) as a wrapper for your copilot as well as some configuration on the Azure side.
We have just released a code sample that can be used exactly for this purpose. The sample also includes a guide on how to set up the registered apps needed to authenticate your users.
Here is the sample: CopilotStudioSamples/SharePointSSOComponent at master · microsoft/CopilotStudioSamples (github.com)
And the step-by-step guide: CopilotStudioSamples/SharePointSSOComponent/SETUP.md at master · microsoft/CopilotStudioSamples (github.com)
Let me know if you run into any challenges!