The problem seems to be that once it gets to Power Automate, the ContentBytes text is referring to the file in the apps memory
instead of the actual file contents.I want to be able to store the files as attachments to a sharepoint list item, so I need
the actual file here. Here is the output of a compose action showing the JSON:
"[{"ContentBytes":"\"appres://blobmanager/64a39917bb044b6b94ec3529f5d0c9a2/3\"","ItemID":4,"Name":"6inch pretest MTRS.pdf"},
{"ContentBytes":"\"appres://blobmanager/64a39917bb044b6b94ec3529f5d0c9a2/6\"","ItemID":6,"Name":"L3101 ASBUILT REV1.pdf"},
{"ContentBytes":"\"appres://blobmanager/64a39917bb044b6b94ec3529f5d0c9a2/6\"","ItemID":7,"Name":"L3101 ASBUILT REV1.pdf"},
{"ContentBytes":"\"appres://blobmanager/64a39917bb044b6b94ec3529f5d0c9a2/8\"","ItemID":8,"Name":"L3101 ASBUILT REV1.pdf"},
{"ContentBytes":"appres://blobmanager/64a39917bb044b6b94ec3529f5d0c9a2/8","ItemID":9,"Name":"L3101 ASBUILT REV1.pdf"}]"
How can I work around this? I saw one example that used an image control in a gallery to get the actual file contents,
but in my case it could be any file type (.docx, .pdf, .jpg) etc.