We can use the data of AI Search in OpenAI studio to have normal conversations in the playground.
But after deploying to Copilot Studio, I can’t get any answers.
Below is my model data.
Unfortunately, I'm having the same problem. I'm using a Hybrid search in AOI but it does not work in Copilot studio.
Yes sure, please help to take a look.
Can you please double check the values from AOI for input fields starting from 'Semantic Search configuration':
And Index data from Azure AI search Fields:
Thanks for your help Viswav.
But unfortunately, it still not work with the setting that your suggest.
API Version : 2023-06-01-preview
Title : Empty
URL : Empty
File Name : Empty
Can you please change the model version to '2023-06-01-preview' and remove the Title, URL and File Name sections and try again.