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Model driven app Deployment issues due to related table in another solution

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HI Team


I have to use related tables from another solution A, where the master data tables resides in that solution A.

Now there is solution B, here i have included relationship with one of the table from Solution A .

When i ran solution checker of Solution B,i found dependency related issue because of the related table from Solution A in the Solution B.I have included only the related columns, view in the solution B from Solution A table.


Can any one help in advance how to resolve the cross solution related table dependency issues?.We have many solutions which are using related tables from Solution A .

Please help us to find out a way.


Quick response is appreciated.




  • Dhayanand Profile Picture
    Dhayanand 4 on at
    Re: Model driven app Deployment issues due to related table in another solution

    I have attached images and logfile. request to check

  • Dhayanand Profile Picture
    Dhayanand 4 on at
    Re: Model driven app Deployment issues due to related table in another solution

    Please find the attached screenshots and log file.

    Record Ownership.pngImport Error.png

  • SG013 Profile Picture
    SG013 74 on at
    Re: Model driven app Deployment issues due to related table in another solution

    HI @ChrisPiasecki 

    Yes,there is dependent column from Solution A table when we include that table in another solution B we have included it.


    Create Solution A in down environment with that table alone to check deployment issue. Then tried to import but still facing the same dependency issue and import gets fails.


    Kindly help us to solve this .


    Appreciate your help


    Many Thanks in advance


  • ChrisPiasecki Profile Picture
    ChrisPiasecki 6,389 on at
    Re: Model driven app Deployment issues due to related table in another solution

    Hi @SG013,


    Did you confirm solution A has the dependent Employee column? As long as it has that dependency and Solution A is deployed in downstream environments, you should be able to import Solution B assuming all other dependencies on Solution A are satisfied. 



  • SG013 Profile Picture
    SG013 74 on at
    Re: Model driven app Deployment issues due to related table in another solution

    HI @MarioRing @parvezghumra 


    I have one base solution A,where there multiple tables(as master tables) which will be used across multiple solutions.


    Eg: A solution A. has Employee,Asset etc tables.Where has my Solutions B and C has other tables for my applications.I am referring /including the required views/columns/forms with relationship of the tables Employee from Solution A.

    When i run Solution checker,it shows there is an dependency with the field name XXX_Employee.Unable to import the solution because of this issue in any other environments.


    If i include the entire table in my solution,then it used to show the dependecies of all other tables related to that table employee across multiple solutions.

    By refering/including only the required schema reduces the issues to only one dependency issue per table from Solution A.


    I have all other apps in the similar way and how can i import solutions as managed to higher environments.


    Appreciate your quick response in Advance




  • MarioRing Profile Picture
    MarioRing 541 on at
    Re: Model driven app Deployment issues due to related table in another solution

    You don't have to worry about this, this is a typical situation that appears very often, especially when customizing modules from third-party suppliers.


    For example, my solution is intended to extend the functionality of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM module by adding several new fields to the "Invoice" table. The table comes "in the box" with Dynamics CRM from MS, but it doesn't have all the fields I need.


    That's why I created my own solution, which includes additional fields for this Invoice entity. Of course, this creates a dependency on another provider's solution, because in fact my solution does not contain all the fields and relations that have already been provided in the base solution. Without these components, my solution cannot exist, because it is incomplete and not independent. And that's how it should be! This dependency will exist, and when deploying my solution to another environment, I must make sure that it contains the previously installed base solution.

  • Parvez Ghumra Profile Picture
    Parvez Ghumra 1,572 on at
    Re: Model driven app Deployment issues due to related table in another solution

    @SG013 Are you able to share any screenshots or error logs? These will help diagnose the actual issue. If you could also clarify whether you have tried to import the solutions into your target environment or are just going by the items reported in the Solution Checker?

    If you could also please elaborate on whether the tables in question are Microsoft/Third Party managed tables or your own custom unmanaged ones. In the case of the latter you will need to include the entire table in each solution using the 'Add all Assets' option

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