Hello everyone,
I'm really enjoying using UDFs and UDTs, especially now that it's possible to place behavior functions in the formula bar. However, I'm encountering an error:
I have the following record:
Last: {Year: "xx", Quarter: "xx"},
This: {Year: "xx", Quarter: "xx"},
First: {Year: "xx", Quarter: "xx"},
Second: {Year: "xx", Quarter: "xx"},
Third: {Year: "xx", Quarter: "xx"}
tpQuarter := Type(
Year: Text,
Quarter: Text
tpNextQuarters := Type(
Last: tpQuarter,
This: tpQuarter,
First: tpQuarter,
Second: tpQuarter,
Third: tpQuarter
The tpQuarter
declaration doesn't return an error, but tpNextQuarters
So, I moved the logic that was previously in an enhanced component property of type "Action" to the formula bar:
udfGetNextQuarters(ParamCurrentYear:Text, ParamCurrentQuarter:Text):Void =
// Calculate the next four quarters based on the parameters ParamCurrentYear and ParamCurrentQuarter
SelectedYear: ParamCurrentYear,
SelectedQuarter: ParamCurrentQuarter
Last: {
Year: "xx",
Quarter: "xx"
This: {
Year: "xx",
Quarter: "xx"
First: {
Year: "xx",
Quarter: "xx"
Second: {
Year: "xx",
Quarter: "xx"
Third: {
Year: "xx",
Quarter: "xx"
Fourth: {
Year: "xx",
Quarter: "xx"
However, I still get the same error:
In other words, I can't add multiple properties to a record. I know that a temporary solution would be to create a table like this:
tpQuarter := Type(
Name: Text,
Year: Text,
Quarter: Text
tpNextQuarters := Type(
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