I have a PVA BOT that manages technical support as a basic self help desk. I want to upgrade its escalation, by making the BOT to send an email to the support group itself, instead of having a "MailTo" URL action, where the user clicks to and opens Outlook for them to send the email.
Now, when I edit the topic and click on the call action lighting icon...I don't see a flow I created for this. Nevertheless, I selected the option to create a new flow, but it seems that my problem is that the canvas doesn't accept any variable, except for the ones in the flow. But it doesn't make sense because the values for those variables are already set in the flow??
Here are pictures for the Canvas and the flow itself :
I thought to add variables to the BOT variables, but I don't see where I can do this, neither I believe is the correct answer.
Thanks in advance for any help!!
@Pstork1 THANK YOU!!!
I still need some tweaks, but in essence this post can be closed! Once I realized I can just type in the variables from the trigger list, all was more clear and the tests succeeded!
Agan, thank you very much!
You can't edit the System Escalate topic. But you can add your own custom system fallback topic which includes an Escalate node. You should be able to redirect the Escalate node wherever you want.
Use a system fallback topic in Microsoft Teams - Power Virtual Agents | Microsoft Docs
When you create the variables in the trigger of the flow and set values, you are setting the default values that will be used if parameters are not passed from the calling bot. You need to create the variable in the flow and then set the value of it using a value/variable in the bot. In this example action you can see that I have manually supplied a value for the variable in the flow. But I could also use the value from a variable in the bot.
In the flow I had already created the "Where" variable that will be set to "At Home" when the flow is run. Notice I didn't supply a default value. The value is supplied by the bot when the flow is invoked.
I kind of got it working, but I still struggles with the variables. I was able to create a variable and the BOT now does sends an email, for a specific topic I created hence. I pat myself in my shoulder for that lol.
But, I still would like to edit the escalate topic or a similar one that will let the BOT capture the use's issue, so it then sends it in an email. This document helped me look to the right direction to better understand the variables and entities, but I still need a little nudge to completely automate my BOT: