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Reporting and Counting the Number of Helpdesk Tickets

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I would like to create statistics in Power Apps related to the number of closed and open tickets.

I have a SharePoint list where all helpdesk tickets are automatically recorded.


it looks as follows:

Helpdesk Jira Tickets.png


I would like to ask for help with a function that will count these cases:

Count of all open tickets
Count of all closed tickets

Count of closed tickets in the current month
Count of closed tickets in the current year

Count of closed tickets in January
Count of closed tickets in February...


If the date format in the SharePoint list is incorrect, can I change it to a different one.

 Thank you in advance for your help.

  • v-jefferni Profile Picture
    v-jefferni on at
    Re: Reporting and Counting the Number of Helpdesk Tickets

    Hi @Piotrexpondo ,


    You can use CountIf function for all these requirements.


    For open tickets:

    "(Number of open tickets " & CountIf(
     'Helpdesk Jira Tickets',
     'Ticket Status'.Value = "open"
    & ")"


    For closed tickets:

    "(Number of closed tickets " & CountIf(
     'Helpdesk Jira Tickets',
     'Ticket Status'.Value = "closed"
    & ")"


    For closed tickets in the current month:

    "(Number of current month's tickets " & CountIf(
     'Helpdesk Jira Tickets',
     Month(Date) = Month(Today()) && 'Ticket Status'.Value = "closed"
    & ")"


    For closed tickets in the current year:

    "(Number of current year's tickets " & CountIf(
     'Helpdesk Jira Tickets',
     Year(Date) = Year(Today()) && 'Ticket Status'.Value = "closed"
    & ")"


    For closed tickets in January:

    "(Number of current year's tickets " & CountIf(
     'Helpdesk Jira Tickets',
     Month(Date) = 1 && 'Ticket Status'.Value = "closed"
    & ")"


    and so on.


    Best regards,

  • Piotrexpondo Profile Picture
    Piotrexpondo 65 on at
    Re: Reporting and Counting the Number of Helpdesk Tickets
    I only found a function for open tickets

    "(Number of open tickets "
    & CountRows(
            'Helpdesk Jira Tickets',
            Text('Ticket Status') <> "open"
    ) & ")"

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