Hi all..
I need to create something like this in sequences:
1. Patch Data 1
2. Set timer (30 second)
3. Patch Data 2
4. Set timer (30 second)
5. Patch Data 3
6. Set timer (30 Second)
7. ...
8, ...
and so on..
the problem is, i cant manage my timer.
can anyone help me with the proper formula?
Thanks @PytByt
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Hi @WarrenBelz
Thanks for the reply.
That was exactly what i did! #lol
I've been creative in OnTimerEnd properties even though it was not beautiful. But it works just fine.
Much obliged.
Hi @PytByt ,
Sorry for the late replay. Use your own names for the items in blue
You need one timer each for all but the last one - I will do four as per your specs below
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Hi @WarrenBelz
Thanks for the reply,
I still confused here since i haven't play with timer control, how exactly timer control do i need?
And, do you have the example formula reference that i can refer to?
Hi @PytByt ,
Firstly, here is the Timer Control Reference - so I will go through a few of the things that will help you.
Duration - that is easy so you new 30,000 milliseconds on each one.
OnTimerEnd - you run your flow here
Start - determines when a Timer starts. Set this to a Variable (vStart1 for the first one will do), then set the variable to true when you want the timer to start.
So set the next Variable (vStart2) at OnTimerEnd after the Patch on the first one and continue as above with the next one.
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