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Create an all day event in google when an all day event is created in outlook

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I would like to create an all day event in Google calendar when an all day event is created in Outlook. Currently if an all day event is created in Outlook, it becomes a 2 day event with start and end times in Google calendar.  This is using the Sync events from Office 365 Outlook Calendar to Google Calendar template.

  • Re: Create an all day event in google when an all day event is created in outlook

    We must be soooo close to solving this 🙂

    I have the same problem, not getting the "Is all-day" field in the "Create an event" action. When I import the calendar posted earlier in this thread ( by amsw, message 20 ) I have to move the "Check if all day event" around a bit. ( with the current import, two events are created ). When I do, a field appears in the "Create an all-day event" action called "isAllDay", and with no drop down.



    If I delete this event, and replace it with a new "Create an event", that field is gone.

    I can also not find the "Is all-day" back in the list of actions for the "Create an event" description ( ).


    What am I missing ?

  • Re: Create an all day event in google when an all day event is created in outlook

    I followed the steps in this example and created a new Flow from the referenced template late last week. Probably on Friday. Weird that you get options that I don't.

  • yseleah Profile Picture
    yseleah 20 on at
    Re: Create an all day event in google when an all day event is created in outlook

    @Anonymous, How long ago did you start using this Flow? I wonder if the field for the "Is all-day" was added to the "Create an event" Google Cal action more recently, and perhaps you are seeing an older version of that action (I don't know how MS Flow manages those types of updates, so this is just a guess).


    I don't believe it's contingent upon the condition check, though—I just tested by building a new Flow from scratch, starting with a simple "Manually trigger a flow" trigger, and the "Create an event" action that I added after that did have the "Is all-day" field visible under the "Location" field.

  • amsw Profile Picture
    amsw 26 on at
    Re: Create an all day event in google when an all day event is created in outlook

    What flow are you using? there are a few that are very similar in names, but different flows. The one we are using is "
    Sync events from Office 365 Calendar to Google Calendar"

  • Re: Create an all day event in google when an all day event is created in outlook

    @yseleah thanks so much for putting the time into the step-by-step explanation. Very easy to follow. My only problem (and it's the keystone here) is there's no field in my Google Cal actions that lets me choose all-day status. It almost seems like once the condition is based on the all-day status from Outlook, this field automagically appears in the Google one. I'm not seeing that. And unfortunately, I'm trying to get this step working in a different context: a Flow that takes each line from an Excel spreadsheet and creates an all day event in Google Cal. So if it requires input from Outlook, I won't be able to offer it (unless I do some roundabout solution building, I guess). Below is what I see. You can see I don't have that option in either the exhisting Google Cal action that we drag-and-dropped nor the new one that was added in the No condition. Any ideas?Flow Screenshot.png

  • amsw Profile Picture
    amsw 26 on at
    Re: Create an all day event in google when an all day event is created in outlook

    It worked!!! It's a miracle. CANNOT THANK YOU ENOUGH! seriously I didn't think I was going to figure it out. Thank you so much for taking the time to walk me through this!

  • yseleah Profile Picture
    yseleah 20 on at
    Re: Create an all day event in google when an all day event is created in outlook

    I also have screenshots for most of those individual steps if any are needed; I just didn't want to include them all right away and fill up the page 🙂

  • yseleah Profile Picture
    yseleah 20 on at
    Re: Create an all day event in google when an all day event is created in outlook

    Unfortunately, I can't export my flow due to the visibility of my work email address, but I'll try to lay out all of the steps I followed here. I also figured out a slightly easier way to do it that saves a few steps.


    1. From the original Flow template, expand the Create events in Google Calendar action, then click the Check Action Type for insert, update and deleted action to expand it (this will show you the "If yes" and "If no" branches of that condition).
    2. Under the If yes branch, click Check if it is a google calendar to expand the step.
    3. Add an action above the "Html to text" action. For the action, choose Condition.
    4. For the first condition value, use the "Dynamic content" search to find the Outlook content option Is all day event?.
    5. Set the operator to is equal to, then for the second value, use the "Expression" search to find the value true.
    6. This will create two branches for your new condition. First, drag the existing Html to text action (which up until now has followed after the condition you added, rather than being a part of it) up into the newly created If yes branch/box. (Note: if you have trouble getting it to drag, try doing step #7 first, then this step.)
    7. Similarly drag the existing Create an event Google Cal action into the same If yes branch/box so that it immediately follows the Html to text action (like it did before you moved them).
    8. Click to open your Create an event action. The last field in that action should be called "Is all-day"; set the dropdown for this field to Yes.
    9. In the If no branch, add a new Html to text action, followed by a Create an event Google Cal action. You should now exactly replicate all of the entries that you have for the matching actions in the If yes branch (i.e. choose the same Dynamic Content options, message description text, etc), with two key exceptions:
      1. In your original Create an event action (the one under the "If yes" branch), click on the substring function you see in the Description field. You may need to click it more than once, but the pop-up should open to Expression tab, and you will see the full substring expression in the fx text field. Copy the substring expression, then paste this as a substring expression for the Description field of the new Create an event 2 action in your "If no" branch. HOWEVER, because the "Html to text" action you created for this branch was automatically renamed to something like Html to text 2, you will need to scroll through that expression and change the TWO instances of 'Html_to_text' to 'Html_to_text_2' (or whatever you may have renamed it to).
      2. In the last Is all-day field of your Create an event 2 action, change the dropdown to No.
    10. Once you have completed these steps, test your flow! All day events in O365 should now be created as matching all-day events in Google Calendar, and partial-day events should still appear at their correct times.


    I've included another screenshot of what my flow looked like after editing (showing everything after the "Check if it is a google calendar" condition). Just to note, I did set custom names for my "Html to text" and "Create an event" actions, so the action names won't match yours exactly, but everything else should look essentially the same.


    Updated Flow


    I hope this helps!


  • amsw Profile Picture
    amsw 26 on at
    Re: Create an all day event in google when an all day event is created in outlook

    i put it on my dropbox. see if this works

  • Re: Create an all day event in google when an all day event is created in outlook

    If you're using OneDrive for Business, you could upload it and get a public sharing link. If you prefer not to use OD, I just tested, which, after you upload the file, will provide the public-facing URL for someone else to download. No signup or payment required. Then paste the URL here as a response.

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