Hi everyone
I have a gallery populated by a filtered collection. I have a text input in that gallery when OnChange it patches the change to the collection. What I would like is when the collection and the database are different that my save button outside of the gallery (that saves to the database) changes colour. I feel this needs a lookup, but can't really work it out.
So when I enter the amount into TextInput1_3 it updates the collection Onchange. Then once I have gone through the whole order and updated all the arrived stock, I then press the save button which then patches it through to the Sharepoint database. It would be good if the save button was only red when there is unsaved changes. Hope that helps
@Corissandageri Could I ask why you are updating the Collection in the OnChange of the Text Input? Whatever is in the collection is still transient. Wouldn't it better to compare the content of the Gallery(textinputs) with the collection and change the colour of your save button accordingly. Constantly making calls to the DB can lead to very poor performance and may not be needed. Could you explain your scenario a bit more. Screen shots will help a lot. Thanks.