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Power Apps - Microsoft Dataverse

Deploying Model-Driven App Solution: Duplicate AppSetting Component

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Hello Community,

I'm currently facing an issue while trying to deploy a model-driven app solution in my [Power Apps/Dynamics 365] environment. During the import process, I receive an error indicating that there are duplicate components within the solution. Below are the detailed error messages and the steps I've taken so far to troubleshoot the problem.

Error Details:

Failure Message:

Import of app module(s) failed: Invalid solution identified. There are more than one component with the same id added to the solution.
Component Name: AppSetting, Key: settingdefinitionid:b83c718b-dfdd-48b8-9091-b09fd31544e8
Exception Type:

Summarized Error Trace:

  • The import fails because multiple AppSetting components share the same settingdefinitionid.
  • The parentappmoduleid is set to 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, indicating a default or unassigned parent module.
  • Error Code: -2147155677
Environment: Development sandbox
Solution Type: Unmanaged 
Deployment method: pipeline
I exported the solution and examined the customizations.xml file for duplicate app settings. I discovered that the msdyn_IsTeamsDynamicsIntegrationEnabled setting appears twice, which I believe is causing the issue. However, I'm unsure how to proceed from here. Should I edit the XML file directly, or is there an easier or alternative method to resolve this duplication?
Any assistance or guidance on resolving this deployment issue would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!

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