Is it possible to respond back to the same chat session within a flow process? I am trying to help user locate info and it requires them to select options based on query of our SharePoint data/files. I couldn't find a way to return a selectable options list back to user at end of flow (which would have sufficed), so am using the teams post a choice of options as bot... unfortunately, this creates two chat sessions, which seems a bit awkward.
Is it possible for me to get the ID of the primary chat session to respond back during the flow process so user can make a selection and then continue?
Yes, I am able to return values back using the closing action "Return Value(s) to PVA." However, the issue is
so if i am correct that i cannot return a selectable options list as value to PVA (where user would then trigger a second flow based on choice), can i at least "get" the current chat bot chat session ID so that when using the teams connector, i can have it reply to same chat session rather than a parallel one?
Hello @BenjaminDoyle
Could you share a screenshot of your flow?
You’re using the Power Virtual agents trigger? You should be able to use the return action and be able to pass values back into PVA