I have created two topics (Topic-A, Topic-B) in PVA which are similar in nature but shall output different results. Both topics should ask for pre-determined input from a user, so I created another topic (Topic-C) with those choices (Let's say for my use case, this input is reusable and needs to be attached to several other topics for user input).
Now, when the user triggers Topic-A, it will show options to pick from Topic-C, based on the input, it triggers a flow and output result and if the same user triggers Topic-B, does not give options from Topic-C, rather the choice from Topic-C from the previous trigger (Trigger-A) persists and invoke flow automatically from previous choice and display results.
How can I make user choices non-persistent in PVA?
@Vamsi So I'm guessing you're using a bot topic so you can pass a variable from Topic-C to Topic-A and Topic-B. But, I believe bot topics (right now) are persistent until the user selects start over.
There's an idea out there to let us do more with variables: https://powerusers.microsoft.com/t5/Power-Virtual-Agents-Ideas/Update-Variable-Global-variable-without-a-question/idi-p/639755