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Topic management

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How to go to another topic so that on the conversation starts topic I have a message with a quick reply for the quick reply options like client I have configured another topic with trigger phrases like existing client but when clicking on any options of quick reply it does not go to another topic but print message start conversation and generate AI responsepva test3.pngtest3.png

  • remidyon Profile Picture
    remidyon on at
    Re: Topic management

    sorry this is not possible - you need to look at first party solution like dynamics customer service 

  • vip01 Profile Picture
    vip01 52 on at
    Re: Topic management

    Hi remidyon,

    I have a query. I want to use Teams chat; you could collect all the info and then send data to the agent's chat in Teams when a customer clicks on adaptive card live chat with the agent it transfers to Microsoft Teams with the context of chat in website pva.  Please guide steps on how to implement it.


  • remidyon Profile Picture
    remidyon on at
    Re: Topic management

    I suggest reducing the number of trigger phrases in your different topics to only one or two phrases/keywords that match exactly what your quick reply options are. That way it should not trigger multiple topics.

  • vip01 Profile Picture
    vip01 52 on at
    Re: Topic management

    Thank you, also for these options I have separate topics but multiple topic match it triggering whenever click on these options whereas i want these topic to trigger respectively of their name options when liked otherwise if someone typing even the topic  AI conversation boosting topic to trigger and generate response

  • remidyon Profile Picture
    remidyon on at
    Re: Topic management

    @vip01 you cannot hyperlink the quick replies but you can create an adaptive card that does the same thing. For example the first button here will open when I press it:




    Here is the detail of the card:



    And its JSON:

     "type": "AdaptiveCard",
     "$schema": "",
     "version": "1.5",
     "body": [
     "type": "ActionSet",
     "actions": [
     "type": "Action.OpenUrl",
     "title": "",
     "url": ""
     "type": "Container",
     "items": [
     "type": "ActionSet",
     "actions": [
     "type": "Action.Submit",
     "title": "Customer Support",
     "data": "Customer Support"
     "type": "Action.Submit",
     "title": "Knowledge Base",
     "data": "Knowledge Base"
     "type": "Action.Submit",
     "title": "FAQ",
     "data": "FAQ"
     "type": "Action.Submit",
     "title": "Store Hours",
     "data": "Store Hours"


  • vip01 Profile Picture
    vip01 52 on at
    Re: Topic management

    Is it possible to hyperlink those options? if click on those options and it opens a page or form

  • remidyon Profile Picture
    remidyon on at
    Re: Topic management

    Those are the standard emojis from Windows. You can use any in your messages / quick reply / etc 

  • vip01 Profile Picture
    vip01 52 on at
    Re: Topic management

    Thanks for the reply how you got those icon please guide

  • remidyon Profile Picture
    remidyon on at
    Re: Topic management

    Hi @vip01 

    best practice to use quick reply to route user to topic is that it should match the trigger phrase of your other topic. You can have a difference between the title of the quick reply and the text it will send to the bot - I think that is the case in your screenshot where it sends "conversationStart" despite the quick reply showing something else.


    Double check how your quick replies are defined (title and text)


    Here is an example of different title and text:



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