Hello all,
How are you doing?
How do you control the visibility of the back button on a main form? I want it to only be visible if the record we have accessed has a certrain status, which is a custom column based on a lookup value in a dataverse tabel:
Yeah. This is kind of where I had got to with it. Thing is everytime I open ribbon workbench I feel like a satellite is gonna fall out of the sky or something.
that button automatically appears when you navigate to any record from another record or page. There isn’t a easy configuration for it, so I’m going to go on a limb and say any change to its behavior is an unsupported change.
having said that, your best bet is likely the RibbonWorkbench by Scott Durrow to try to isolate that button and hide it from all forms for all entities your app has.
if it’s not exposed in Ribbon workbench, you’ll have to do some DOM traversing and loading JavaScript on the app load to find the ID of that button and hide it via jquery. Again, very unsupported and would recommend against it if this isn’t an app you will have a team to help maintain.