Hi All!
It should be easy but it is not. I have a simple bot with Generative Answers. It works when I have a source set on a public page like www.microsoft.com. However, I wanted the bot to use the information from a file or a page from Sharepoint. It returns literally noting. I managed to implement a Manual Authentication, register an app in Azure and granded the permision fo MS Graph for both file.read.all and sites.read.all. It still littelary return empty string. I check if the bot is autenticated by return the userID and it is. Of course the files and pages are shared with this user. No more ideas. I tried to use Graph Explorer and testes some random queries as the userID and it could find some files with keywords however it works only as GET requests, not POST - not sure if this is a difference here.
Then, I gave up. Any ideas what to do more?
I've a "working" bot and I don't get either a result on the same question. I suppose this kind of questions are not supported. My Bot gives not the same results when you ask same questions on different times. I've now a ticket raised because my bot crashes regular with a system error.
FWIW, I'm having the same issue. I've followed all the steps here:
And I still can't get CoPilot to recognise anything in a very basic SharePoint site.
There are literally 3 documents in there and CoPilot doesn't recognise even basic requests like:
"Is there a document with X in it?"
Have you found solution for this. I've exactly the same problem.
I'm able to get graph results. The bot keeps going to the fallback topic. If I redirect to the conversational boosting topic, i get an empty answer from the generative answer action.
Management really want to see a demo of this working, so we can commit to further research . Please help if you're able. I appreciate it.
Interested as well. Can't get this working. Please help.
Hello, for me the same problem. Did everything in Azure for Manual Authentication in PVA twice. Still I'm not able to have a fun with searching through docs stored in sharepoint.
I tried to query MS Graph and here are results:
@HenryJammes can you suggest something?
Hey @HenryJammes - I am trying to do the same - and running your query I get a result -
Escalating to a live agent is not currently configured for this bot, however this is where the bot could provide information about how to get in touch with someone another way.
Is there anything else I can help you with?
Hi @TomProject,
I understand you setup the SharePoint integration with the manual auth (AAD v2 with appropriate and admin-consented permissions). I.e. these settings: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-virtual-agents/nlu-boost-node#authentication
But yet, SharePoint isn't returning results.
Can you test within PVA, with the test pane, when 'Teams Only' authentication is configured?
Do you still get no result?
Also, I'd love to know if you get relevant results over the Graph API.
Using the Graph Explorer, log in, do a POST on https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/search/query
"requests": [
"entityTypes": [
"query": {
"queryString": "SEARCH TERMS filetype:docx OR filetype:aspx OR filetype:pptx OR filetype:pdf path:\"DOMAIN.sharepoint.com/sites/SITENAME"
"from": 0,
"size": 3,
"QueryAlterationOptions": {
"EnableModification": true,
"EnableSuggestion": true
I can see also report as below "no search results" - no idea why BOT doesn't have access to SHP, even wjen the site and bot owner is the same user. Any idea?