I have an offline/online app that writes to a collection, saves to the device, then when online uploads to sharepoint. Works fine however now need to add attachments and signature. example of the save to device looks like,
Collect(MyCollection, {Title: Employee_ED.Selected.Value,PO: PO_ED.Text});SaveData(MyCollection,"MyCollectKeep") then i use,
ForAll(MyCollection, Patch(SharepointListDB, Defaults(SharepointListDB),{Site: Site,PO: PO}))
Is there a way to include images into this list? I have tried using flows but it wont save to the list, will only save to Document library. I need to be able to have the image and the other fields (title, PO) in the same entry. Any advice or direction would be much appreciated.
Kind regards,
Thanks Qi, i was able to get the images and peninput saved to the sharepont list using your method. i currently have it saving to a collection, save to device, then when online, a button to upload to sharepoint. Images displayed as url.
What would you recommend the best method to get these images to be displayed into a pdf along with other content such as Name, company, etc
Many thanks,
Based on the issue that you mentioned, do you want to save the image and pen input to your SP list?
Could you please share a bit more about the scenario, do you want to display the picture or the URL in the corresponding column?
If you want to display a picture in the SharePoint list column, I am afraid that there is no way to achieve this currently in PowerApps. If you want to display the URL or the image within the SP list, you could try to convert the image into a binary format.
I have a test on my side, please take a try as below.
Add an add picture control(AddMediaWithImage1)
Add a Button and set the OnSelect property as below:
Ima: Substitute(JSON(UploadedImage1.Image,JSONFormat.IncludeBinaryData),"""","")
Note: Title is a Text column. Ima is a Multiple-line-of-text column to store the image.
After this, you could insert a Gallery to display the image. Within the Ima column, you just could display the image as an URL in a Multiple-line-of-text column.
For the signature, you could add a PenInput control and save it into a collection as the following thread:
Also, you can check the following article to save the signature:
Best Regards,