Need some expert help!
My Data-card “Check Your Choices” (screenshot below) has a Gallery with Multi-select check-boxes - I need this data card to be a mandatory/required field when, if no check-boxes are checked, the Submit button will not be live.
The Submit button also includes expressions for the text fields - Text Field 1 and Text Field 2 - and they behave as expected for “Required” text fields.
Here is what I have on my Submit button DisplayMode:
!IsBlank(crdTextField1.Text) &&
!IsBlank(crdTextField2.Text) &&
DisplayMode.Edit, DisplayMode.Disabled)"
If I missed filling either of the text fields, the Submit button remains unavailable.
If, on the other hand, I fill out the Text fields but skip the Choices check-boxes, the Submit button becomes available, even though it shouldn’t since a choice was not made.
Required property for the Data card is selected . Default and Update set to a collection.
On the gallery I have Items set to Choices([]) , OnSelect to false and Selectable to true.
On the checkbox control, I have a collection in OnCheck-Collect/OnUncheck-Remove,
OnSelect I have Select(Parent), Text I have ThisItem.Value.
I tried to do a CountRows for the gallery and it only shows 0 whether I have boxes checked or not so my expectation is that something is weird with my gallery/multi-choice check boxes
Text fields work as expected.
Any other ideas of how I could get this right? Appreciate your time.
Thank you, @WarrenBelz! Appreciate the help.
Hi @AndreaFC22 ,
Without going into any other logic required, for what you have posted, I think you need this
!IsBlank(crdTextField1.Text) &&
!IsBlank(crdTextField2.Text) &&
) > 0,
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