I am beginner in PowerApps and just creating my 2nd App now. I have added a dropdown box which shows me values from the gallery. My question is how I can add a blank row in dropdown box or row with option "All" values so the gallery shows me all rows and not only selected from dropdown box, please?
Hi, sorry I just tried it but also added another line onVisible: Collect(colPartNumber, Distinct(Table5, 'PART NUMBER')), then saved, published and closed app. I opened it and it's working! 🙂 thank You for Your response was really helpful!
Thank You very much! Now it is not showing any error but also not showing any data in my gallery and dropdown box... any idea why?
Hi @marcy_pi,
Do you want to display all the records if you select "All" option from the dropdown?
First of all, add the "All" option to the dropdown list. To achieve this, you should create a collection to add the All option, you could create the collection clicking a button or set the OnVisible of the current screen:
ClearCollect(colPartNumber,{Result:"All"},Distinct(Table5, 'PART NUMBER'))
Then populate the dropdown part number with the colPartNumber, there will exist "All".
Set the Items property of the Gallery as below:
If(Dropdown_PartNumber.Selected.Result="All",Table5,Filter(Table5,'Part Number'=Dropdown_PartNumber.Selected.Result))
You have to create the collection and store the fields in that and then apply
Thank You for a quick reply. I already have one command there which is: Distinct(Table5, 'PART NUMBER'). How do I apply Your code to that, please?
Go to Dropdown ,items and put [blank(),"ALL","Value","Value"] and other dropwdown values which you want to show.