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Using check boxes in a gallery to write info back to sharepoint list

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Hi, I'm trying to create an app that can help handle deliveries.

I have pulled in information from 2 sharepoint lists 'Delivery Docket Register' & 'Docket Items'. Each delivery docket in my register will have several line items within Docket items where the Sch Number will match up to the Sch + Rev column from my register.
I want to create a way using checkboxes to accept deliveries for the dockets.

The user will then have a button to at the bottom that will mark everything ticked as delivered. This will mark each line in docket items list as delivered then if all items where 'qty delivered' > 0, are marked as delivered then the docket number in delivery docket register gets marked as delivered and the date assigned to date delivered column.

If the user unticks a line item the button should change to part delivered. When they click that it should mark the ticked items as delivered but it should send the unticked line item or items in an email to the supplier with a comment the user can input. The delivery docket register should then show that docket as part delivered until the remain items are received.

I have got to the point where i can nagivate to the Docket Items Check page within my app and see the correct line items from the selected docket but when i try to create the button to write the info back to my sharepoint lists i keep getting errors from the code chatgpt gave me.

See code below

Set(ErrorMessage, "");  // Clear any previous error message
Notify("Button clicked. Starting process...", NotificationType.Information);
// Check if SELECTEDSCHEDULE is set
    Set(ErrorMessage, "SELECTEDSCHEDULE is not set.");
    Notify("Error: SELECTEDSCHEDULE is not set", NotificationType.Error);
// Collect selected items
        Checkbox.Checked = true
Notify("Selected items collected: " & CountRows(SelectedItems), NotificationType.Information);
// Check if any items are selected
    CountRows(SelectedItems) = 0,
    Set(ErrorMessage, "No items selected.");
    Notify("Error: No items selected", NotificationType.Error);
// Update Docket Items (Assume DELIVERED is a text field here)
        'Docket Items',
        LookUp('Docket Items', ID = ThisRecord.ID),
        { DELIVERED: "YES" }  // Since it's a text field
Notify("Docket Items updated successfully.", NotificationType.Information);
// Check if all items are delivered
            'Docket Items',
            'Sch Number' = SELECTEDSCHEDULE.'Sch + Rev' && DELIVERED <> "YES"
    ) = 0
Notify("All items delivered: " & If(AllItemsDelivered, "Yes", "No"), NotificationType.Information);
// Update Delivery Docket Register
        'Delivery Docket Register',
        LookUp('Delivery Docket Register', 'Sch + Rev' = SELECTEDSCHEDULE.'Sch + Rev'),
            DELIVERED: If(AllItemsDelivered, { Value: "YES" }, { Value: "PART RECEIVED" }),  // Assuming DELIVERED in Docket Register is a choice field
            'DATE DELIVERED': If(AllItemsDelivered, Today(), Blank())
// Check if the Patch was successful for Delivery Docket Register
    Set(ErrorMessage, "Error updating Delivery Docket Register: " & Text(Error(updateResult)) & ";");
    Notify("Error updating Delivery Docket Register", NotificationType.Error),
    Notify(If(AllItemsDelivered, "Delivery Docket Register updated - Full Delivery", "Delivery Docket Register updated - Partial Delivery"), NotificationType.Information)
// Send email for undelivered items if partial delivery
            "Partial Delivery Notification",
                "The following items were not delivered for Docket ",
                SELECTEDSCHEDULE.'Sch + Rev',
                        Checkbox.Checked = false
                    Concatenate(Title, " - Quantity: ", 'Qty Delivered'),
                "Comments: ",
        Set(ErrorMessage, ErrorMessage & "Error sending email: " & Text(Error(emailResult)) & ";");
        Notify("Error sending email", NotificationType.Error),
        Notify("Email sent for partial delivery", NotificationType.Information)
// Reset checkboxes
Notify("Checkboxes reset.", NotificationType.Information);
// Display any errors
    Notify("Errors occurred: " & ErrorMessage, NotificationType.Error)
Notify("Process completed successfully.", NotificationType.Success);
  • WarrenBelz Profile Picture
    WarrenBelz 145,422 on at
    Using check boxes in a gallery to write info back to sharepoint list
    You have specified three parameters in the trigger (so that is what it should be expecting)
    Disconnect and reconnect the Flow and see if that works.
  • jpdamd Profile Picture
    jpdamd 33 on at
    Using check boxes in a gallery to write info back to sharepoint list
    Thanks so much Warren your unreal!

    Emails and attachments are working now. Really sorry but if I could pick your brain about one last issue. Its with an approval from within the App. I've set up a power automate flow that looks like the below. I'm trying this code but it is saying invalid number of arguments received 3, expected 1.
    Goal of the flow is to have someone select a element and level within the dropdowns then when they hit submit it runs the flow, goes for approval and only updates the sharepoint list after the approval has been granted.

    Do you take tips or donations mate, you've helped out so much with this, have no clue how I would have got it done without you.

            SelectedDocket.ID,                      // Pass the selected item ID
            Dropdown1.Selected.Value,               // Pass the selected ELEMENT
            Dropdown3.Selected.Value                // Pass the selected LEVEL
    // Check if the flow response indicates approval was granted
        flowResponse.approvalStatus = "Approved",
        // If approved, patch the changes to SharePoint
            'Delivery Docket Register',
            LookUp('Delivery Docket Register', ID = SelectedDocket.ID),
                ELEMENT: Dropdown1.Selected.Value,
                LEVEL: Dropdown3.Selected.Value
        Refresh('Delivery Docket Register');
        Notify("Changes successfully submitted.", NotificationType.Success),

  • Verified answer
    WarrenBelz Profile Picture
    WarrenBelz 145,422 on at
    Using check boxes in a gallery to write info back to sharepoint list
    If the user is simply attaching the file/s in the attachment control and you want it emailed with the current record, then forget about the Variable (just leave the Items blank) and go right back to what I posted at the start of this part of the process
       "Missing Items for Sch: " & SELECTEDSCHEDULE.'Sch + Rev',
       "The following items were marked as missing for Docket <b>" & SELECTEDSCHEDULE.'Sch + Rev' & "</b>:<br><br>" &
          "<b>Item Code</b>: " & 'Item Code' & " - Qty Ordered: " & 'Qty Ordered' & " - Qty Missing: " & 'QTY MISSING' & "<br><br>"  
       ) &
       "<br><b>Comments:</b> " & TextInputCanvas1.Value,
          Cc: "",
          Importance: "High",
       "Email sent for missing items", 
  • jpdamd Profile Picture
    jpdamd 33 on at
    Using check boxes in a gallery to write info back to sharepoint list
    Thanks Warren. So the attachment is just being added to that document control by the user. Do I need to do something that assigns it to the list item, at the minute it just seems to sit in the document control, maybe thats why there is nothing being picked up.

  • Suggested answer
    SaiRT14 Profile Picture
    SaiRT14 1,926 on at
    Using check boxes in a gallery to write info back to sharepoint list
    Set(ErrorMessage, "");
    Notify("Button clicked. Starting process...", NotificationType.Information);
    // Check if SELECTEDSCHEDULE is set
        Set(ErrorMessage, "SELECTEDSCHEDULE is not set.");
        Notify("Error: SELECTEDSCHEDULE is not set", NotificationType.Error),
        // Proceed if SELECTEDSCHEDULE is set
        ClearCollect(Selected_Items, Filter(Gallery2.AllItems, Checkbox.Checked));
            CountRows(Selected_Items) = 0,
            Set(ErrorMessage, "No items selected.");
            Notify("Error: No items selected", NotificationType.Error),
            Notify("Selected items collected: " & CountRows(Selected_Items), NotificationType.Information);
            // Update Docket Items
                'Docket Items',
                ForAll(Selected_Items, { ID: ID, DELIVERED: "YES" })
            Notify("Docket Items updated successfully.", NotificationType.Information);
            // Check if all items are delivered
                    _AllItemsDelivered: CountRows(Filter('Docket Items', 'Sch Number' = SELECTEDSCHEDULE.'Sch + Rev' && DELIVERED <> "YES")) = 0
                Notify("All items delivered: " & If(_AllItemsDelivered, "Yes", "No"), NotificationType.Information);
                // Update Delivery Docket Register
                        'Delivery Docket Register',
                        LookUp('Delivery Docket Register', 'Sch + Rev' = SELECTEDSCHEDULE.'Sch + Rev'),
                            DELIVERED: { Value: If(_AllItemsDelivered, "YES", "PART RECEIVED") },
                            'DATE DELIVERED': If(_AllItemsDelivered, Today(), Blank())
                    Set(ErrorMessage, "Error updating Delivery Docket Register: " & Text(Error(updateResult)) & ";");
                    Notify("Error updating Delivery Docket Register", NotificationType.Error),
                    Notify("Delivery Docket Register updated - " & If(_AllItemsDelivered, "Full Delivery", "Partial Delivery"), NotificationType.Information)
                // Send email if not all items delivered
                            "Partial Delivery Notification",
                            "The following items were not delivered for Docket " & SELECTEDSCHEDULE.'Sch + Rev' & ": " &
                                Filter(Gallery2.AllItems, !Checkbox.Checked),
                                Title & " - Quantity: " & 'Qty Delivered' & Char(10)
                            ) & Char(10) & "Comments: " & TextInputCanvas1.Value
                        Set(ErrorMessage, ErrorMessage & "Error sending email: " & Text(Error(emailResult)) & ";");
                        Notify("Error sending email", NotificationType.Error),
                        Notify("Email sent for partial delivery", NotificationType.Information)
            // Reset gallery and checkboxes
            Notify("Checkboxes reset.", NotificationType.Information);
            // Display success or error message
                Notify("Errors occurred: " & ErrorMessage, NotificationType.Error),
                Notify("Process completed successfully.", NotificationType.Success)
  • WarrenBelz Profile Picture
    WarrenBelz 145,422 on at
    Using check boxes in a gallery to write info back to sharepoint list
    Assuming the attachment/s are on the record in 'Docket Items' selected in the gallery, then that structure works perfectly here using a list with attachments. I notice also an error on your Attachment control (though I am using the collection to attach to the email), so there may be a clue there. Your collection should look something like this - I am then using the Value and DisplayName fields to send ContentBytes and Name to the email attachments.
  • jpdamd Profile Picture
    jpdamd 33 on at
    Using check boxes in a gallery to write info back to sharepoint list
    I've set the code for my attachment control to colAttach

    Onvisible for the screen is set 
          Defaults('Docket Items'),
    UpdateContext({varReset: false});
    UpdateContext({varReset: true});

    I've added the collect section to my button that marks the item as Missing.

    I've tried attaching the document before pressing the button and after. The email is sending now but still without any attachment.
        ThisItem.DELIVERED = "MISSING",
            'Docket Items',
                DELIVERED: "",
                'QTY MISSING': Blank()  // Clears the QTY MISSING field
            'Docket Items',
                DELIVERED: "MISSING",
                'QTY MISSING': varMissingQty  // Updates the QTY MISSING field with the value entered by the user
        "Status updated to " & ThisItem.DELIVERED,
  • WarrenBelz Profile Picture
    WarrenBelz 145,422 on at
    Using check boxes in a gallery to write info back to sharepoint list
    The model works here, so I am not sure what you have done different. If you use the attachment control as it is intended (user simply uploads the attachment), then your original code will work, so you do not need a Variable.
  • jpdamd Profile Picture
    jpdamd 33 on at
    Using check boxes in a gallery to write info back to sharepoint list
    Thanks Warren but I think I might have explained it wrong.

    With the attachment control I want the user to have the option to upload an image before clicking the button the sends the email.

    The attachment will sit on the Delivery Docket Register Item (The overall docket) not the individual gallery item which are the line items from the Delivery Docket ('Docket Items' is the name of that sharepoint list). The Delivery Docket Register item (SELECTEDSCHEDULE) will have an attachment which is a PDF that triggers the AI Builder flow to extract the information and populate the docket items list. This doesn't really need to go in the email its more the upload that the user would do within the attachment control but if both get attached then thats fine too.

    I've also taken away the checkboxes and replaced them with buttons in the gallery that mark the Docket Item as missing which is building the collection and working well for everything. These attachments just don't seem to want to work :/

    The solution you gave is returning the error below

    Apologies, this is the first app i've tried building so really appreciate your help and patience with this

  • WarrenBelz Profile Picture
    WarrenBelz 145,422 on at
    Using check boxes in a gallery to write info back to sharepoint list
    Please see my latest post - Attachments are designed to use Attachment controls on Forms and any other use is a workaround (more likely a "hack") - I got the model I posted working - there are a couple of other things that technically possibly should work, but simply do not.

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