Re: Run failed: Connection not configured for this service.
Hi @v-xiaochen-msft
Thanks for coming back to me. I did as you said and it's still not working.
I noticed that the flow in question was turned off when it imported as part of the managed solution.
I tried to turn it on and got this error:
Flow client error returned with status code "BadRequest" and details "{"error":{"code":"InvalidOpenApiFlow","message":"Flow save failed with code 'DynamicOperationRequestClientFailure' and message 'The dynamic operation request to API 'sharepointonline' operation 'GetTable' failed with status code 'NotFound'. This may indicate invalid input parameters. Error response: {\r\n "status": 404,\r\n "message": "List View Not Found\r\nclientRequestId: a41391d4-08fd-405f-b36e-de734db9cecf\r\nserviceRequestId: a41391d4-08fd-405f-b36e-de734db9cecf"\r\n}'."}}".
The flow has these connectors and uses connection references:
The flow was set up with elevated permissions in the test environment so that a service account is used to run the Azure key vault and Excel connectors to control access but allow the flow to retrieve data from these sources.
When after deployment to production in the managed solution, this configuration was reset so all connectors used the run-only user connection (More below).
I changed it back to the service account for Azure KV and Excel but when I save I get this error:
I'm perplexed. Any advise you can give will be most appreciated!
Thank you so much.