I know there are several posts already about this topic but I'm hoping someone can help explain this to me or provide links I haven't yet seen. I understand the relationship concepts 1:N, N:1, N:N.
How are relationships established when you can't define the fields that join them?
The picture below depicts my issue. I created a relationship between table A & B and can easily access values from Table B in Table Views by finding them in the Related list.
I went through the same process for table A & C below and although I can see the columns in the Related list of a view, the values are not there. I can run a SQL query and get the results I expect but using the View builder in PowerApps gives the columns with no data, why? I must be missing a step for mapping the common field between them (bpfid). I do know I could use PowerAutomate to trigger the necessary fields into column C but I didn't have to do that with A/B tables.