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Gallery pulling from Excel won't let me display ThisItem.Name or ThisItem.Value

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Hi there,
I have a gallery which is pulling data from an Excel Sheet called Table13. That Excel Sheet has columns such as "Room", "Projector 1", "Television", "Speakers". Then each row (room) has bits of information regarding the equipment, either saying Working, Broken, etc.
I have set a variable of the room in my PowerApp using a button which does the following (roomList is a dropdown list that fetches the rooms):
Set(selectedRoom, roomList.Selected.Room)
My gallery then says:
LookUp(Table13, Room = selectedRoom)
and when I click on LookUp in the code editor, it displays the following:
However, I can't seem to write ThisItem.Name or ThisItem.Value in my gallery to display this information, it only lets me write things like ThisItem.'AXIS' or ThisItem.'AV Speed Dial', to which it will return the Value "N/A" or "Working", etc. It also only returns one record. Many thanks in advance.
  • Suggested answer
    Mark Nanneman Profile Picture
    Mark Nanneman 976 on at
    Gallery pulling from Excel won't let me display ThisItem.Name or ThisItem.Value
    First, I'd recommend double checking your Data sources.  It appears Table13 isn't the table you want, as the columns you were expecting are not there.  I suspect you imported a number of excel tables and have them mixed up--just a guess. 

    I'd recommend giving your tables meaningful names in Excel, then reimporting it to Power Apps.

    Also, you said "it also only returns one record"... do you want to return more than one record? 

    Having the user select a room and then doing a lookup for that room will only return one record.  If you have multiple rows with the same room value, try using a Filter() instead of a LookUp()

    When  you say 
    My gallery then says:
    LookUp(Table13, Room = selectedRoom)
    Where is this code?  Is it in your Gallery's Items property?  I guess this can work to return one row only to your gallery but usually you have a filter in a gallery.

    If this post helps, please give it a like.  If it solves your problem, please mark it as an answer, thanks!

    Power Platform Developer | LinkedIn: Mark Nanneman | Blog: Power Stuff  | YouTube: Mark's Power Stuff 

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