Requirement: Connect to Azure OpenAi from Copilot
Option: Have successfully established the connect from OpenAI to copilot using the "Deploy to Copilot" option available from OpenAI console (after the model is deployed, custom data added, and indexing has been done)
Issue: When the connection to OpenAI is run, from a newly created topic called "Connection Boost", the OpenAI does NOT responed at all. Apparently, it times out.
Reference: "OpenAI Connection with Copilot not returning a response"
Any suggestions is appreciated.
Hi Sunshine,
Thanks for your reply.
1. Do not see such option after adding custom data.
2. Options seen are add to WebApp or to co-pilot.
3. From co-pilot again, though a topic is established, it does not really "chat"
Gist: issue persists.
Any help is good 🙂