I have a flow that consists of a button that triggers a strored procedure through an On-Prem data gateway to SQL Server.
When building the flow, the connection finds the list of stored procedures correctly so I can choose from the drop down list.
When running however, I get an error message:
"status": 400,
"message": "The key didn't match any rows in the table.\r\n inner exception: The key didn't match any rows in the table.\r\nclientRequestId: 5145f632-8916-478b-9468-e1280192bf5f",
"source": "sqlconnectionprovider-westeurope.am2-ase-001.p.azurewebsites.net"
This broadly seems to be the same error message as if I type the SPROC name in incorrectly, but I can't figure out why it's happening. Any ideas?
I had the same error. It was caused by a TRUNCATE TABLE command. The user had permission to execute the stored proc, but not permission to execute a TRUNCATE.
I encountered the same error. The root cause is that the gateway user of PowerAutomate has NOT been granted with a permission to execute the stored procedure, although the error message is misleading.
Just as a note here
Power Automate will show you a list of procedures in a DB, but that does not mean you have the rights, in your connection, to perform all the actions in the procedure. For example, your connection may have DB read and write only, but the procedure maybe creating and dropping tables, so the user calling the procedure does not have the rights.
It looks like Power Automate cannot determine this until the stored procedure is ran, then it interprets the failed response from the SQL server as 'key didn't match...'. Perhaps the error mesage could be improved here.
If you do not want to give your Power Automate connection\user more rights on a DB level, can simply change the procedure itself in SQL DB to be run by a diferent user than the one calling it.
You have a connection on Power Automate with a SQL Auth type user with just read and write rights on the SQL DB level
The procedure you are running creates and drops tables.
Your Power Automate will not have rights to do this and you'll get the error ' the key didn't match....'
Instead of using or altering your connection with more rights, you can alter your proedure by adding the below line 'WITH EXECUTE AS 'DOMAIN\User' after the 'create\alter Procedure as' line
Now you can use the same connection in Power Automate and the procedure is run on server level by a user with elevated rights
Hope this helps someone.
I was getting this error and the cause was that the SQL account I was using for my connection didn't have read/write access to the database. Once I gave the account the proper access, the connection worked successfully.
Re the error: "The key didn't match any rows in the table"
When you run a Flow, the "Run Flow" dialog has an "edit connections". I found that the Flow was being run with the wrong SQL Server connection (I had more than 1 defined). I change to the correct connection and it ran fine.
Effectively this error message means "Flow can't find your table in the database".
Clicked edit, made no changes, then tested again. Same error.
Now I get no error but the whole thing just hangs. The "To see it work now, modify a list item in the Sharepoint folder you selected. This may take a few moments." has been there for well over 10 minutes.
No failure, no success.
I created a copy of this flow using Windows Authentication rather than basic, and it seems like that resolved the issue reported above. Now it looks like it SHOULD work but I get a failure with the following message.
"status": 400,
"message": "We couldn't convert to Number.\r\n inner exception: We couldn't convert to Number.\r\nclientRequestId: c88507a3-e827-45f9-98e2-e6c3e9e09d68",
"source": "sqlconnectionprovider-westus.tip0-westus.p.azurewebsites.net"
Same issue:
The key didn't match any rows in the table. inner exception: The key didn't match any rows in the table. clientRequestId: A67FCF0B-8D02-4492-B022-C6C784CFCE34
Both the Sharepoint list and the table in SQL Server have a column called PivotID. It is an identity column set as Primary Key in the SQL table and is unique within the sharepoint list. I have added the [Current] column as added Dynamic content as the value to be updated in the target SQL Table.
Hey, @Melakh!
It appears as though would like some more information in order to further assist you properly with your issue. Please share any additional information that was requested in order to decrease the amount of time that it will take for you to be assisted!
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