Hallo zusammen ich bekomme egal bei welcher PowerApp was ich mit meinen Team teilen will immer diese Fehlermeldungen...Ich weiss nicht mehr weiter...Bitte um Hilfe. Release: XXX
Add people to your app as users and co-owners. Make sure that the data connections have been shared with all users. Further information
® The user with the object ID _abd999fa-ffd7-4fd5-8a7f-30caa078176b* are missing in the environment . Default-ce849bab-cc1c-465b-b62e-18f07c9ac198* following
Required permissions: .prvShareCanvasApp*.
"XXX" release
Error in release. Please try again.
This app contains data that may require additional permissions for users to play the app.
Verify data access requirements
Microsoft PowerApps fehlermeldung: prvShareCanvasApp The user with the object ID
did u check if the users have the right permissions and roles to a) use the app and b) are able to use power apps?
is ot an app that uses premium features and the users do not have premium license?
Under review
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