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Powerapps doesnt save metadata in sharepoint with dropdown menu

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Hello everybody

I need to edit custom form to set metadata for uploaded file on sharepoint.

Each field is connected to a list inside sharepoint and some of those list  are connected to each other.

Ex. continental connected to nation List connected to city list
if I connect these lists to each other it does not save the metadata while if I leave them separate they are stored. How can I solve it?


  • anurchis Profile Picture
    anurchis 25 on at
    Re: Powerapps doesnt save metadata in sharepoint with dropdown menu

    Ok I try to explain better
    Library Name has name TEST
    inside this library there are lookup column
    1 Continental
    2 Nation
    3 City
    Each metadata Column is connected to a list
    Continental---> Continental_List
    Nation---> Nation_List
    City--> City_List
    At this point I need to upload file and set this metadata by a custom form in powerapps.
    Once in powerapps (Intergrate--> Powerapps-->Custom form) I add field
    Continental, Nation and City ...all of this with dropdown menu
    Of course this dropdown are not connected with this moment
    Ex if I choose Europe like nation I see all nation for ex Japan, Brazil, USA and Spain I need to connect dropdown with other dropdown to filter value.
    If upload a file and assign a Continent ,Nation, City I see metadata set for this file But I need to filter so 
    In ITEMS in Continental --Continental_List
    In Items Nation--> Filter(Nation_List; Continental_List.Value = Continental_Dropdown.Selected.Title)
    In Items City --> Filter(City_list; Nation_list.Value = Nation_Dropdown.Selected.Title)

    After this I see filtered value but nothing assign on sharepoint 😞

  • Re: Powerapps doesnt save metadata in sharepoint with dropdown menu

    Hi @anurchis,

    Could you please share a bit more about your scenario?

    What do you mean by "if I connect these lists to each other it does not save the metadata while if I leave them separate they are stored."?


    What is the relationship between uploaded file metadata and continental list, nation List, city list?

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