I am using the sample from Git Hub and I get this error when I click the login button (in the bot):
Request origin <url to my index.html> is not in the list of trusted origins
This is what is being called: GET https://directline.botframework.com/v3/directline/session/getsessionid 403
Any help would be appreciated!
Check that even you have followed the references to configure and enable SSO on your bot, when you open your custom page that hosts your bot, you can see log in button on top right corner:
On given sample, that button would call onSignInClick function.
So you can try editing your custom code to call that function on onLoad event, for example:
After that, when you just open custom page, it will pop up the log in (make sure to allow your custom page on pop up blocker) and then make SSO:
Hi @h4tgdev,
Can you share the link to the specific sample you are using from GitHub?
Did you by any chance follow this article and used this code sample: