I have a dropdownbox that needs to have a static value, but de list that it's using to get his information is a linked list.
How can I set it to a default value?
I solved it with the help of my colleague and we came with this solution:
Patch('Inkomende Tickets',{Title:'Txt DCV Titel'.Text,
'Omschrijving probleem':'Txt DCV Omschrijving Probleem Melden'.Text,
Urgentie: {'@odata.type':"#Microsoft.Azure.Connectors.SharePoint.SPListExpandedReference", Value:'Txt DCV Urgentie'.Selected.Value },
Id:1, Value:"Nieuw"},
'Type probleem':{'@odata.type':"#Microsoft.Azure.Connectors.SharePoint.SPListExpandedReference",
Id:'Txt DCV Type Probleem Melden'.Selected.Id, Value:'Txt DCV Type Probleem Melden'.Selected.Value}});
Hi @Double_v,
Could you please share a bit more about the scenario:
Do you want this dropdownbox to keep the static value always?
If you want this dropdownbox to keep a static value always, how you set the default value depends on how you set the Items property of the dropdownbox .
I have a similar test for you, please check as below.
In my scenario, I have a Choice column to store the Dropdown selected and I populate the Dropdown with a Text column from the linked list.
I just assume that you want keep the Combo Box display a static value always
I set the Combo Box Items as below:
Combo Box DefaultSelectedItems property:
Set the Update property of the data card:
Note that DataCardValue4 represents the Combo Box
Check if it could help you.
I can submit the form but the value does not appear in my list
Let's assume few things first:
You have a form named: Form1
Drop Down control: DropDown1
Select the data card value of DropDown1 and set it's Default property to:
If(Form1.Mode=FormMode.New, {Value: "YourDefaultValueHere"},Parent.Default)