I have a component (dialog box) whose visibility is controlled locally via context variables and buttons.
Inside the component, I have containers whose visibility are controlled by another text variable (Mode)
Then I have two buttons, each setting the text variable (Mode) to something different.
The buttons also change the context variable to make the component visible.
The first time a button is pressed (setting Mode = "A") and a component is made visible, everything renders correctly.
The component is then closed (changed to be not visible) in between.
If the second button is pressed (setting Mode ="B") and the component is made visible, then the controls that depend on Mode ="B" to be visible are not displayed. (<-- This is the bug)
If the component is then closed (changed to be not visible again) and then the FIRST button is pressed (setting Mode = "A" again) then everything renders as intended for Mode = "A"
However, interestingly, if the component is NOT closed in between changing Mode from "A" to "B" then everything will render correctly (i.e. visibility will change appropriately for each button.
**Therefore, this bug appears to be an issue with lack of rendering/refreshing visibility of child items when the parent (component) is not visible.**
For my app/component to be used effectively, the component needs to be hidden in between the different mode changes.
I've tried almost every permutation/simplification of the component and nothing works, leading me to strongly believe that this is a bug.
Thank you!