Hey all!
I am using a SharePoint integrated form customized with Power Apps. Everything works great except that it is impossible to print the form directly in SharePoint (The Print function currently doesn't work on mobile devices and on SharePoint forms).
To avoid this problem I tried to use a print button with this deep link:
Where "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" is the <AppId> and "*******-****-****-****-************" the <tenantId>.
With this button I am able to print the SharePoint custom form, becuse it is opened in apps.powerapps.com instead SP, however the custom form printed is always the form of the default element (the first Id).
My question is: Can I open a custom form of a specific list element with a deep link? Is possible to insert the <elementId>?
Thank you in advance for every suggests!
Hi @AndreaPerolo,
You mean you do not have a standalone app to include this custom form for the SharePoint list but a SharePointIntegration?
If so, the answer is NO.
To deep link into a Power Apps app, you'll use this URL syntax:
However, the SharePointIntegration form is even not an app.
Here is a detailed doc about deep link:
Create a canvas app with deep link to a specific screen - Power Apps | Microsoft Docs
To use the deep link to achieve your need, you have no choice but to create an app.
Once you generate an app about your SharePoint form, here is the detailed steps to achieve your need:
Solved: Re: Working Deeplinking code? - Power Platform Community (microsoft.com)
Thank you @v-qiaqi-msft!
I tried many combination with "&ID=3" and "?ID=3" in the deep link as suggested by you or in other posts, but dosen't work. Probably the deep link to a specific record is not possible to a SharePoint Custom form made with PowerApps as described here by WarrenBelz, although I don't understand why.
Thanks anyway for the help!
Hi @AndreaPerolo,
Do you want to open the custom form with a specific record?
I think the deep link could achieve your need.
Launch("<a href='https://apps.powerapps.com/play/82c90699-eda9-xxxx-99fe-2def3110c891?tenantId=9e51064f-f6a5-xxxx-89a9-9785a9d6c706&ID=3")