I have created the Chatbot and want to trigger it using a @http request from my website manually and send the data through it.
One solution I have tried is using the flow creating which is not working.
The other solution I have tried is that to get the token and conversation Id, from the Session Storage, when my website is loaded (i.e. after the integration of iframe, but was unsuccessful.
The solution I want is that " My bot has to be triggered from my website when it receives a http request. it needs to be triggered once*.
Hi @Expiscornovus ,
Thank you for your response. Let me explain the solution am looking for.
I will be hosting the chatbot in my website using iframe(or something like that). And then I want to trigger the chatbot via a http request and I will be sending the first message through the same http request it, upon receiving that message the chatbot has to respond with the necessary information. Once the conversation has started then it's a Two-way conversation.
I am not the OP, but I just want to express my sincere gratitude to you, @Expiscornovus. I've learned something incredibly valuable (proactive messaging). Thank you!
Hi @nanajibolla,
For my understanding, you want to get an answer from a chatbot without actually having a conversation with it? Or is it just to start the conversation with the user via the bot and you want the bot to start talking first?
Would be useful to get a bit more details about your use case.
You can definitely trigger a flow via when a http request is received and than start a pro-active message in teams as chat bot with a user. That would be useful in case of the second scenario.
Below is documentation which demonstrates that pro-active messaging configuration: