I need to display the text (sharepoint multiline text) and auto height the text that display but html control on auto height cutting the last line, I tried adding padding on the bottom but did not work, also I cannot use fixed height as the form I use should be flexible and change height with text. let me know if anyone run into this issue. Thanks
This does the trick, Thanks alot.
Hi @Anonymous ,
Do you use the HTML text control to display the multiple line text type column value from your SP list?
Have you enabled "Auto height" proeprty for the HTML text control?
I have made a test on my side, and don't have the issue that you mentioned. The HTML text control display the Multiple line text well.
Please consider take a try to turn off/disable the "Improved app rendering (final validation)" option within Advanced settings of App settings of your app, then re-publish your app, check if the issue is solved.
If the issue still exists, please consider take a try to add a Rich Text Editor control within your app to display the Mutiple line text instead of Html Text control. Then check if the issue has been fixed.
Best regards,
This control is in a Flexible height Gallery??
Is the Auto height on the HTML control set to "On"?
Hi @Anonymous
I'm not sure what the cause of this is, but perhaps you could try appending an HTML line break (<br>) to see if it helps.
YourSharePointMultilineText & "<br>"
How can I move this to "General Discussion" topics 😞