Hi Guys,
I there a way of having a PVA bot greet the person by using their AAD or o365 registered first name ?
Person : Hello
Bot reply: Hello John
" The user ( John Smith) who said hello to the bot has an AAD or 0365 account in"
Thanks @ChristianAbata really was looking for an example of the use of the authcode generated in the PVA bot being passed to the graph api
hi @LinkeD365 I made a video about use Open Graph APIs see
Hey @Anonymous
Did you get the answer for this? I am struggling on doing the Graph API call with the token
@renatoromao have you got an example of the flow that is used?
Hi @Anonymous ,
You can use the authentication method to get user login, after user insert credentials and logged in, you can send to Power Automate this token and call Microsoft Graph to get user information.