is there any way how to prioritize the Conversational boosting and Fallback topics?
Once the Fallback Topic is active, the Conversational boosting topic is not triggered, so no answers are produced.
I have resolved this by switching off the Fallback and Multiple Results topics.
BUT - after deployment to another environment within a managed solution, the Fallback and Multiple Results topics are active, cannot be deactivated, and the Conversational boosting topic is not triggered.
Any best practice?
@HenryJammes Dataverse search was not enabled indeed. It is enabled now. I have triggered another deployment with Dataverse search already enabled. But the issue prevails.
@mboninco any way how to re-trigger the indexing manually?
The most likely cause is that the files are not indexed. We probably need a mechanism to re-trigger the indexing of the files in this situation.
Is Dataverse Search enabled in that environment? Maybe the files haven't been indexed yet.
Hi @HenryJammes, thanks for your reply. Now I am facing the issue that Conversational Boosting topic is triggered, but it does not produce any result in managed environment. Source files are stored in Upload a document (preview) section. They are transferred with the solution to managed environment, but there is no AI response
See screenshot of the managed solution
Find activities from Conversation Transctipt table.
"gptAnswerState":"No Search Results"
Hi @ryjan
By default, the Conversational Boosting topic will trigger before Fallback on the unknown intent event.
If you switch to the code editor view of the Conversational Boosting system topic, you can see it actually has a priority of -1.
If no generative answer is found, then it goes to Fallback.
That's the standard logic, you can tweak the experience so that generative answers triggers when you decide in your bot logic.